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SamuelR last won the day on September 15 2023

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  1. (Sorry for late reply) In theory, presuming you know which school she went to. I searched around a bit and couldn't find it though so it'd probably be a bit tricky
  2. I looked around and that seems to be one of the few things I can't access actually. 😁 And as for privacy, I personally feel like our information laws are a bit too transparent. All school grades are public for instance, so I could in theory go ask the government for our Prime Ministers grades and they are legally obligated to provide them. This also applies to University essays. If you don't want to publish your essay that's fine but if someone comes and specifically asks for it they have every legal right to read it. Some other tidbits that can easily be found are which company(ies) someone is a board member of, when they moved to their current adress and how many cars they own (+ the cars age and model). If someone lives in an apartment you can get exact directions to which floor and door they live at.
  3. Correct! Thanks to Swedens very transparent information laws you can even find her exact adress with minimum effort. Ages and breeds of her and Hannes's dogs as well.
  4. Hello hello! Just recently found the forum and joined. Nightwish is undisputably my favorite band, but I've never met any other Nightwish fan from Sweden (Or symphonic metal fan at all for that matter) and was just wondering if there are any to be found here? Though I'd be glad to simply discuss anything Nightwish with anyone truth be told :)
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