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Nightwish album #10 pre-release discussion


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Might as well post the positive news from the band's latest statement here...

[...] an album of 12 new songs will see bright daylight in 2024, as will 3 music videos! The band is positively hyped beyond words over this new upcoming musical adventure.

Stay tuned for updates from our legendary Nightwish band camp & studio this summer!
-Tuomas, Floor, Emppu, Troy, Kai & Jukkis
Last time they released 3 proper videos from the same album was "Dark Passion Play" in 2007, with Amaranth, Bye Bye Beautiful and The Islander, so does this mean they believe they have lots of 'single' material?
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From what I have gathered on the recording process, Tuomas has said they will be working on it for three months at the Rosko campsite in Kitee like with the previous few albums. So I'm estimating that it begins in July and concludes around September - October?


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  • 5 months later...

So how's the album going? There have been a few updates on social media, mostly from Kai's Facebook and a few from Jukka's Facebook.


July 1: On my way to Kitee to rehearse with my fellow travellers for the next 3 weeks. Nightwish album nr 10 under development. 👍😀 exciting times!

July 8: We have gone through 6 songs in 5 days. 4 more to go. Nightwish album nr 10 getting together nicely. Some tricky stuff to play i have to say. 👍😀

July 21: It has been quite intensive 3 week rehearsal period with the boys. Tomorrow we record the demo for Floor Jansen to listen to and Sunday we go home for 2 weeks. Drum recordings start august 5th. Nightwish album nr 10 start to take its shape finally. 👍😀

-- and in answer to a question: "yes. There will be documentary made. 👍"

July 23: We are done. Demo recorded and now some time off before the recordings start after next week on august 5th. Cheers from us all. 😀👍

July 29: Demos for album no. 10 are now complete! ✅ Amazing songs wrapped up! Recordings begin next week! 🔥 #bestofbunch #nightwish #10thalbum #musicandnatureresort #bestmedicine

A few photos on Kai's page as well, no sigh on Floor during these rehearsals.


August 4: Going to the studio to record Nightwish album nr. 10. Cheers! 😀👍

August 6: Here we go. Now it starts. 😀👍 [refering to drum recordings]

August 7: 8 songs done… 😀👍

August 8: All the drums and percussion are now done for the Nightwish album nr 10. Thank you Tuomas, Tero, Mikko, Jarkko Piipari and Rappulat! ❤️ now onwards with the guitar recordings. 👍Katja Hahto❤️

-- also: "12 songs on the new album. A little bit over 70 minutes of music." [which is in the same ballpark as DPP-Imaginaerum-EFMB but quite a bit more that the 50 minutes of Disc 1 of Human Nature]

August 30: Emppu has finished all guitar recordings to the upcoming album. Bass with Jukkis starts today. 👍😀

September 2: The thunder aka Jukka Koskinen has finished the bass for the upcoming Nightwish album. Well done Jukkis! ❤️

September 3: Greets from the @nightwish band camp! Bass done for album number 10. Wonderful to witness the magic everyone is contributing to the breathtaking new songs. Keyboards next! #nightwish #10thalbum #soittotuoli#kakkosnelonen #takapuolikesti


So there we are. If my math is correct, it took 3 days to record Kai, 4 days for Jukka, and 22 days to record Emppu! 👀 (edit: and presumably Troy's guitar parts?)

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Kai gave a small update on Facebook:

"We have finished all band instruments and next is London with symphony orchestra and choirs. Looking forward to that. 😀👍"

I don't know if Floor has had any input on the new music at this point, but I suppose she's been provided with the song demos in order to prepare for the recordings to come?

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On 8/4/2022 at 12:59 AM, Fugazi said:

Would the label be ok with a thing like that or would that be a problem?

Tuomas: It depends on the label. We don´t have a label at the moment, so let´s see where we are then.

Has NW signed on with another label yet? Or have they extended their contract with Nuclear Blast? I don't think there have been any updates on this matter since last year?

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They certainly have.

The latest release, the virtual show, was licensed by 'A Lovely Bunch Of Coconuts' to Nuclear Blast. 'A Lovely Bunch Of Coconuts' is the company presumably formed by the current band members, whereas the old company 'Oily Empire' must have included Marko.

My bet is that the new album will be paid for and licensed by 'A Lovely Bunch' to a record label, perhaps even Nuclear Blast, but that the band will therefore keep the rights to their music and any future re-releases.

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Another Instagram update from Tero Kinnunen, this week the band is recording at Abbey Road Studios. It's probably orchestral and choir work. A photo shows the dates October 9-15 as their recording schedule.





Getting ready for morning session at Abbey Road Studios, last time here was nearly 17yrs ago…
#nightwish #newalbum #recordingsession #abbeyroadstudios


17 years ago was during the Dark Passion Play album cycle. According to Wikipedia:

When the drummer Jukka Nevalainen was asked about the overall cost of the new album [Dark Passion Play], he was quoted as saying "Roughly half a million... We don't know the exact sum down to the euros and cents as yet." Half of this cost was incurred in London, over an expensive eight days at the Abbey Road Studios in London, UK, during which time the London Session Orchestra, the Metro Voices Choir, a gospel choir and two Irish musicians recorded their parts at the studio.

I wonder how much seven days at Abbey Roads costs today! 🤔

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Indeed! Orchestra, choirs, they seem to be following the usual recipe! 😁

The other day Kai mentioned a children choir. I don't think there was a children choir on Human Nature, they worked with the Metro Voices, but on EFMB they had both the Metro Voices and Young Musicians London Children's Choir.

Also, there are heavy hints of a making-of video for the new album, probably to be used when the promotion drive for the album will get going.

But of course they don't even have Floor's voice in the can yet, I wonder if she will record it in her home studio now that she is equipped to do so?

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Another update from Kai's FB:

The percussion dudes from our session at Abbey road. From the left Frank Ricotti, Paul Clarvis, Bill Lockhart, and far on the right our dear conductor James Shearman who also arranged the music for the orchestra etc on this session. These guys are on a different level. The lord of the rings, the hobbit, Batman, star wars, james bond. These guys have done it all. Wow! Hats off.

This guy James Shearman is now in charge of the orchestral arrangements now has Pip Williams has (presumably) retired. Shearman is not a newcomer to Nightwish music though, as he has been the conductor for all orchestral recordings from Once to Human Nature, and again on album #10.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

I think it's because the album is still in a mixing and mastering stage. Floor and Troy have most likely completed their vocal parts, and the recordings are probably in the process already. Back in 2014, they did announce EFMB around this time, though it wasn't until mid-late January in 2020 when we got some news regarding Human. :II: Nature. and its release. So maybe around January like before?

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Back in the Spring of 2023 the band mentioned 3 videos planned for this album, since then was there any mention of them shooting anything? I may have missed it. They might have be waiting for Floor to become available, or simply going AI like Within Temptation! 😁 (just kidding of course, I don't expect NW to embrace AI in any significant way)

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Finally have an update in regards to what is going on with the album, as they are currently mixing and mastering the album as predicted. I expect they will finish that around the end of the month, and then will begin filming music videos for the three songs planned.


On 1/1/2024 at 1:25 PM, Fugazi said:

or simply going AI like Within Temptation! 😁 (just kidding of course, I don't expect NW to embrace AI in any significant way)

I don't see Nightwish embracing AI, considering they had an almost-similar theme with their song "Noise" on their previous album.

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  • 2 weeks later...

According to Kai, he has stated that they hope to finish mixing and mastering the album around the end of next month. He also estimates that the band will release the album around late summer to early fall. He did state that there are 12 songs for the album though, and 3 music videos with the rest being lyric videos.

Regarding the tour, he said that the band won't be touring for 'two or three' years.


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